Welcome to the third lesson for obtaining a home loan you love. Sit up straight class and pay attention; Dr. Most Opinionated is about to start.
We started off with getting your documentation in order. Compiling that package is the secret weapon we're going to pull out at the end of the process. We're going to drop that bunker-buster bomb on the unsuspecting originator for maximum effect at the final moment. Next, I instructed you to compile a list of 6-8 originators. Do you have your little list? Good, let's get to work!
Oh, by the way, does this seem like a huge pain-in-the-butt? Is it taking more time than you would of liked? Here's a wake up call for you lazy people out there:
My next article will be about how to secure the home loan you love.
by Brian Brady America's Most Opinionated Mortgage Broker