If you want to discuss a loan, the easiest way to get a hold of me is by telephone. It may be old-school but it's effective and efficient .
I generally return business-related telephone calls no later than the next morning. Market-sensitive calls (like locking a loan) take priority. I use Google Voicefor my telephone service so it rings me at the office, at home, and on the cell phone. If I don't answer, it will go straight to a voicemail that emails me the message.
That telephone number is (858)-777-9751. If you have a loan in process, you might call my wife Debra at (858)-412-7585. She's also the best "Brian tracker-downer" around.
I'm less responsive on email because I get tons of it. A lot of stuff gets gobbled up the the spam filter. Delivering documents or faxing documentation will end up there and that's good; that's why we use the email. I try to respond to all business-related emails within 24 hours.
email me at brian (at) 12mortgage (dot) com