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Wow..pathetic even for a worthless RonPaulian...So..a 10 year old that has been brainwashed to like a worthless nothing politician from Texas who has never accomplished ANYTHING but introducing "symbolic" bills with no hope of passing is cute and idealistic...but ther others are bullies?

What a worthless little embarrassment to your family you are.


LOL, that was a great post.

And Lakawak, don't be such a douche-bag, I bet you were edumacated while the Dept of Stupid-cation was ruining our educational system in America from its conception. You want Dumbney or Obombya(again) in office? Go ahead, I hope you'll enjoy your time in gitmo when you're stripped of all of your rights when these insane men scrap the bill of rights completely.

Who's going to be calling who worthless when you're S-O-o-L, sheep?

Brian Brady

"What a worthless little embarrassment to your family you are."

I'm pretty adamant, on other forums I host, to moderate against ad hominem fallacies. Since the focus of this site is a campaign for an unpaid partisan position, I've resigned myself to the fact that transparency, even if moderating to the lowest common denominator of intelligence, trumps virtue. Stated differently, I'll let you act like a jackass because I'm on a public ballot.

"don't be such a douche-bag,"

I"m grateful for the defense, Spiruga but we don't need to descend, to the language of NY liberals like Lakawak, to make our points.

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