A few people have asked my why I chose "Restore the GOP" as the title of this website. Let me offer you a long-winded answer:
The San Diego Republican Party is a great organization. I admired Ron Nehring's work as County Chairman when he constructed the most effective precinct GOTV operations I've seen in 29 years. Tony Krvaric and I have been friends since 2004. His work as County Chairman is impressive and his ability to hold the SDGOP together, after the Obama win, is nothing short of remarkable. Tony had the good sense to listen to the tea party movement, by attending rallies and not trying to co-opt the movement. When the Liberty movement started organizing for the Ron Paul 2012 campaign, Tony appointed me as the "SDGOP liason". He asked that I make the campaign (and local organizers) aware that the SDGOP resources were available to them. Tony's "big tent" philosophy is EXACTLY the type of approach I want to use by making it easy for people to register Republican and vote for Republican candidates. I want to help to RESTORE the SDGOP as the dominant political party locally. This is why I'm seeking the Central Committee position.
The California Republican Party is the perpetual minority party; that is unacceptable to me. California used to be a Republican stronghold. Since Governor Moonbeam was elected (the first time), California began its slow and painful descent into the Euro-Socialist nightmare that it is today. It is only fitting that the effects of this "progressive" mess, come to a head, under the now Governor Moonbeam's second trip to the Governor's mansion. I want to help to RESTORE California GOP to he majority party in the Legislature and Governor's mansion. They may sound like a tall order but I believe Californians want responsible government. I created the Promise to California Taxpayers to make that easy to understand.
Finally, America has lost her way. Our Founders gave us a "manual for good self-government", also known as The Constitution. That brilliant document guarantees individual, God-given rights. Both parties have strayed from First Principles, finding it easier to promise the electorate stuff rather than to follow the constraints placed upon government in Article One, Section Eight. Not since Reagan and Goldwater have we heard those principles effectively articulated. Today, only Congressman Ron Paul communicates the Founders' vision on a national stage. I want to help to RESTORE the GOP to the platform of constitutionally constrained government, promotion of free enterprise, and protection of individual liberties.
I sometimes say that I am the only libertarian in a roomful of conservatives and the only conservative in a roomful of libertarians. My freinds in the anarcho-capitalist community think I'm nuts to try to "fix" government. My friends in the libertarian community dont think Republicans act in accordance with our stated principles. I think the GOP offers the best opportunity, to restore America to her founding principles, restore California to its center-right posture, and restore San Diego to the limited government reputation.
I hope you'll give me your vote of confidence this June.
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