Election Day is November 4, 2014 unless you are a died-in-the-wool, progressive Democrat. I'd encourage progressive Democrats to be certain that you show up to the polls early on November 5th.
All kidding aside, here are my recommendations for the upcoming elections I care about. The Republican Party of San Diego County (RPSDC) Voter Guide is here and my recommendations are mostly in line with RPSDC (with a few small exceptions). Allan Bartlett posted his voter guide here-he and I are almost always in agreement (he has great picks for Orange County)
Number of + signs shows my enthusiasm for the candidate (scale of 1-5)
Lt. Governor: Ron Nehring ++++
Attorney General: Ron Gold +++
Secretary of State: Pete Peterson ++
Treasurer: Greg Conlan +
Insurance Commissioner: Ted Gaines ++
Superintendant of Public Instruction: Marshall Tuck ++++
Board of Equalization: Diane Harkey ++++
State Senate (38th): Joel Anderson +++++
Assembly (71st): Brian Jones +++++
Assembly (78th): Barbara Decker ++++
Assembly (2nd): Matt Heath +++++
52nd Congressional District: Carl DeMaio +++
53rd Congressional District: Larry Wilske +++++
1: NO-absolutely not
2- YES- why not?
45: NO-- why vest that much power in one person?
46: YES--let market forces dictate how physicians practice medicine
47: YES--the war on drugs is an abject failure
48: YES--respect property rights and let the Indians develop property they own or buy
Statewide Judicial Offices (read this explanation and recommendations)
San Diego City Council, District 6: Chris Cate +++++
Encinitas Mayor: Kristin Gaspar +++
Encinitas Council: Alan Lerchbacker +++
El Cajon Mayor: Bill Wells +++
Escondido Council District 2-John Masson ++
Poway Mayor: Steve Vaus +++++
Vista Council: John Franklin +++++
San Diego Community College: Donna Woodrum ++++
Miracosta Community College: Dran Reese +++++
Miracosta Community College: Elliot Adler ++
San Dieguito HS District: Maureen "Mo" Muir ++
Encinitas Union SD: Jennifer Hamler +++++
Carlsbad Unified SD: Sage Naumann ++++
Lakeside Water District: Frank Hilliker ++++
Otay Water District, Division # 1== Alex Galicia +++++
I omitted offices I have little or no interest in. I deliberately chose to not recommend candidates for Governor, Controller, Attorney General, and Escondido and Vista Mayors--read into that if you choose to.