The Republican Party of San Diego County met in January to deliberate and vote on a consent list for endorsement in the November, 2014 election. The candidates offered were originally considered in the December, 2013 meeting but were voted down at that time.
Even though this endorsement consideration is six months premature, I was prepared to vote for the consent list because, after performing my due diligence, I felt comfortable with the December consent list. The Committtee pulled three names from that list, for consideration in March, and that satisfied my desire to ask those candidates follow-up questions.
A week prior to the meeting, approximately 15 names were added to the consent list. Many of the candidates and offices were unknown to me and were mostly school board candidates. In the short period of time offered for due diligence, I discovered that 11 of the 12 candidates on the list voted for federal intervention into the local school curricula (Common Core Standards Initiative), a direct refutation of the Republican National Committee platform.
I voted against the entire consent list because it was procedurally impossible to remove those 11 candidates at the meeting. The endorsement list was accepted by the Committee and all of the candidates were endorsed in a majority vote.
A motion to endorse the three candidates, originally pulled from the consent list and scheduled for a March, 2014 endorsement vote, was made and seconded. An objection to the motion arose, during the discussion period, and the Chairman ruled that the motion to endorse was vaild. I voted against all three candidates. The Committee voted to endorse the three candidates in a majority vote.
The official press release about the endorsements is here.